The essential DNA/Gene test if you're interested in understanding your health issues. In particular if you're struggling with: Mood irregulation such as anxiety, depression or excess stress. Hormone issues such as oestrogen related conditions (also see Hormone panel), cognitive decline, Cardiovascular Disease, Chronic Fatigue, ADHD and much more.
For your expert case review together with your Methylation DNA Results: Ad-on your Nutritionist Test Result Session.
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The essential DNA/Gene test if you're interested in understanding your health issues. In particular if you're struggling with: Mood irregulation such as anxiety, depression or excess stress. Hormone issues such as oestrogen related conditions (also see Hormone panel), cognitive decline, Cardiovascular Disease, Chronic Fatigue, ADHD and much more.
For your expert case review together with your Methylation DNA Results: Ad-on your Nutritionist Test Result Session.
Download sample report.
The essential DNA/Gene test if you're interested in understanding your health issues. In particular if you're struggling with: Mood irregulation such as anxiety, depression or excess stress. Hormone issues such as oestrogen related conditions (also see Hormone panel), cognitive decline, Cardiovascular Disease, Chronic Fatigue, ADHD and much more.
For your expert case review together with your Methylation DNA Results: Ad-on your Nutritionist Test Result Session.
Download sample report.
The Genetic Methylation Test
The Genetic Methylation Test looks at your DNA to find tiny genetic variations in the functionality in your body which can affect your health and how your body works. These differences can influence things like how your body processes stress, mood, hormones and inflammation. Having more knowledge about how your body ticks help you make better lifestyle adaptations .
The Genetic Methylation Test reveals whether an individual might struggle with or excel in processing cofactors like B6, B9 (folate), B12 (cobalamin), methionine, betaine, choline, zinc, and magnesium. Additionally, it identifies potential inhibitors such as chemicals, molds, drugs, hormones, and heavy metals. This information guides strategies to address or work around any weaknesses or overwhelm areas in the methylation pathway.
Who would benefit most from the Genetic Methylation Test?
An imbalance in methylation, whether it’s too little or too much, can increase susceptibility to various chronic health conditions. These include;
Psychiatric and mood disorders (including schizophrenia, autism, bipolar disorder, anxiety, and depression)
Poor detoxification (including those undergoing hormone therapy, alcohol consumption, or toxin exposure)
Cardiovascular issues (such as non-coronary atherosclerosis, hypertension, or coronary artery disease, circulatory issues
Longer healthspan
Chronic fatigue
Immune and autoimmune disorders
Some of the Genes looked at:
More Detail:
Folate Cycle: DHFR, FOLH1, MTHFD1, MTHFR, RFC1, SHMT1 and TYMS
Methionine Cycle: AHCY, BHMT, CHDH, FUT2, MAT1A, MTR, MTRR, PEMT and TCN2
Neurotransmitter Cycle: COMT, MAOA, MAOB, MTHFR, PNMT, QDPR and VDR
Transsulphuration Cycle: CBS, CTH, GSS, MUT and SUOX
Urea Cycle: BDKRB2, NOS and SOD
What will I get with the genetic methylation test results?
Clinically significant SNPs.
A fully referenced report with links to research evidence.
Descriptions elaborating on your gene functionality and the effects of SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism).
Clearly illustrated and customised, color-coded genotype information .
Insights into nutrient and other epigenetic influences.
We recommend that you book an interpretation session with one of our BSc and MSc qualified Functional Medicine Nutritionists to learn what your results mean for your symptoms.
Note that there’s no report with this session so be prepared to take a few notes.
Data Safety:
Each test is processed in an ISO certified UK laboratory and all samples are completely destroyed after 6 months. All client genotyping data is marked for destruction at 5 months and completely destroyed by 6 months.
The client report, the data and the DNA sample is never (and will never be) shared with, or sold to third parties. All of the data extraction and analysis is done in the UK.
We offer one of the best prices on the market for tests direct-to-consumer.